We have established the following Committees:

The Audit & Risk Committee’s role is to assist the Board with the discharge of its responsibilities in relation to financial and corporate reporting. It is also responsible for reviewing and overseeing the Group's attitude to and appetite for risk and its future risk strategy. The Committee will normally meet at least three times per year.

Chair: Geeta Gopalan
Members: Helen Beck

Read the terms of reference for the Audit & Risk Committee

Read the Internal Audit Charter

The Nomination Committee assists the Board in reviewing the structure, size and composition of the Board. It is also responsible for reviewing succession plans for the Directors, including the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. The Nomination Committee will normally meet at least once a year.

Chair: Andrew Learoyd
Members: Helen Beck, Geeta Gopalan and Ken Stannard

Read the terms of reference for the Nomination Committee

Read our Board Diversity Policy

The Remuneration Committee recommends the Group’s policy on executive remuneration and determines the levels of remuneration for Directors and the Global Leadership Team. The Remuneration Committee will normally meet at least three times a year.

Chair: Helen Beck 
Members: Andrew Learoyd and Ken Stannard

Read the terms of reference for the Remuneration Committee

The Market Disclosure Committee oversees the disclosure of information by Funding Circle to meet its obligations under the Market Abuse Regulation, the FCA's Listing Rules and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules. The Disclosure Committee will meet as and when required.

Chair: Lucy Vernall
Members: Lisa Jacobs, Geeta Gopalan, Andrew Learoyd and Tony Nicol

Read the terms of reference for the Market Disclosure Committee

The ESG Committee is responsible for overseeing and monitoring the implementation of the Company’s environmental, social and governance policy and framework, as approved by the Board. The Committee also oversees the Board’s workforce engagement in conjunction with the designated workforce engagement Non-Executive Director.

Chair: Andrew Learoyd 
Members: Helen Beck and Neil Rimer

Read the terms of reference for the ESG Committee